No-code test builder

Visually create your load tests and run a simulation in seconds

No scripting languages to worry about when creating your tests. Easily create and modify predefined test actions and variables to run all your simple tests, and leverage serverless resources to scale up or down your tests.

Create tests faster

Enter a website URL and choose an injection profile. It is really that simple. See your application’s performance metrics in a few minutes.

Easily onboard new users

Visual coding with a script output allows new users to scaffold their tests and quickly understand the fundamental concepts.

Seamlessly transition to test-as-code

Improve your testing by including dynamic data or checking response codes. Export your no-code test as a fully functional Maven-Java project.

Create your first test in 2 minutes

Create realistic load tests with chained HTTP requests

Craft realistic tests, using the common HTTP requests:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Include headers in:

  • x-www-form-urlencoded
  • JSON
  • XML

Add pauses to mimic user decision time.

Feature 1 - No-code Test Builder

Test types that match your needs

In the world of performance engineering there are multiple motivations for testing, which require different test types.

Choose among 3 test types:

  • Capacity: This tells you how your application performs as resource demand increases. Identify when and how performance starts to degrade.

  • Stress: This tells you how your application performs when resource demands spike. Prepare for anticipated large traffic increases, like annual e-commerce sales.

  • Soak: Measure how your application performs under a regular load over a long period of time. This technique is commonly used to discover application memory leaks.
Feature 2 - No-code Test Builder

Export your test as code for more customization

Download a fully functional Java-Maven project with the export as code button.

With the exported project, you can introduce more concepts to scale your tests, like:

  • Grouping requests to track different user journeys
  • Incorporating external user data
  • Validating response codes and response content.

You can also build a more detailed load injection profile or take advantage of other Enterprise features like:

  • dedicated IPs
  • Private locations
  • multiple load generators.

Feature 3 - No-code Test Builder

Design, test, and analyze with only clicks

The no-code test builder combined with Gatling Enterprise’s managed load generators and interactive reporting allows you to build, run, and analyze load tests without manual scripting.

  • Quickly get a sense of your application performance before you invest time and resources in more complex tests.

  • Run tests without having to deploy and configure load generators.

  • See and analyze your test results with detailed, interactive reports. Understand when and where your application performance breaks your SLAs.

Feature 4 - No-code Test Builder

Start testing now!

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Is the no-code builder available to open source users?

The no-code test builder is a paid feature for Gatling customers. However, we have a generous free trial that gives you 30 minutes of test credits and 14 days to test the tool.

Is there a difference between the reports for no-code and test-as-code tests?

No-code tests generate the exact same reports as test-as-code. You can learn more about our detailed reporting and how it will enable you to find and fix your application performance issues.

Can I use multiple load generators, Private Locations, or dedicated IP addresses with the no-code test builder?

The no-code test builder is a great way to launch your scripting efforts. If you want to take advantage of more advanced features you can export your no-code script for further customization.