
No-Code Generator

This new Gatling Enterprise Cloud feature provides a no-code visual approach.
The no-code generator will ease your daily routine and let you quickly:

  • Onboard your teams
  • Measure the performance of your website
  • Kickstart your load-testing journey

If you dream of an effortless load test simulation, test our new no-code feature!


How it works

Run your first load test in only 2 minutes

Follow along with the video and discover how to run your first load test using the no-code generator for Gatling Enterprise.

Describe your user journey

no code scenario - Step 1 Enter your website’s URL or Gatling’s sample website
  • Optionally, craft your user journey by adding additional requests
  • Optionally modify the pause between requests


Pick an injection profile

step2-1024x666Implement your testing strategy by picking the injection profile that closely matches your scenario:

  • Capacity test: Learn how your application scales and monitor when your performances start to decrease and how
  • Stress test: Simulate a load peak to find out if your application crashes and recovers
  • Soak test: Simulate your regular production use and monitor your application’s behavior over time.

Choose your testing parameters

 For a capacity test
  • Total test duration (in seconds)
  • Initial user arrival rate (in users per second)
  • Final user arrival rate (in users per second)

For a stress test

  • Total test duration (in seconds)
  • Total users injected

For a soak test

  • Total test duration (in seconds)
  • Constant user arrival rate (in users per second)

Define your acceptance criteria



Set the test location and name

step4-1024x663You have almost completed the creation process:

  • Pick the load generator location
  • Give your first test a name
  • Select your team

Start your test

Click “Save and Launch” to start your test.

Trial plans have maximum testing parameter values in the no-code generator. Customers on a paid Gatling Enterprise Cloud plan benefit from unlimited testing capacity.

Go beyond the no-code generator limits

To go beyond the no-code generator limits, you can choose your scripting language (Java, Scala, or Kotlin), copy the code generated, and edit it with your development tools. You can even add more steps to your simulation. Read our Documentation to create a simulation in Gatling Enterprise with your script.

Looking for more features? Brace yourselves: This is only the beginning. We will roll out more features in the next few months. In the meantime, you can edit the code generated with our User Interface and benefit from all the features of our scripting languages (available in Java, Scala, or Kotlin) and the advantages of our load test-as-code approach:

  • Development tools integration (IDE, build tools, Continuous Integration)
  • Code composability, versatility, and reusability
  • Maintainability (version control, peer review)

Sign up for a trial account and start with the no-code generator today!

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