What's new in 3.8

Gatling 3.8 release notes.

For more detailed release notes, including patch releases, please check the milestones on GitHub.


  • #4057: andThen has been redesigned to support chaining, see doc
  • #4215: Redis feeder now supports the RPOPLPUSH command, see doc, thanks to @shoaib42.
  • #4262: Gatling Expression language now supports sequence/array/list access by negative index, ie counting backward from the end
  • #4263: When running a test, Gatling now tries to check if a newer release is available on maven central and if so prompts a warning in the console and if the version is really lagging (more than 1 year old), displays a warning in the HTML reports.


  • #4204: WebSockets close now supports passing a status code, see doc

HTML Reports

  • #4258: HTML reports have be revamped with a more modern look-and-feel

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