Public APIs

Usage of the Gatling Enterprise Self-Hosted public API

The Gatling Enterprise API server also exposes a public API that you can use to trigger runs or fetch run results and metrics.

We also use this API for our Continuous Integration plugins and our Grafana datasource.

This API is protected with API tokens generated by Gatling Enterprise administrators through the Admin > API Tokens tab.

You can access the Swagger documentation using the link Gatling Enterprise API documentation on the Documentation modal accessible on the sidenav (bottom left of the screen).

Some information before using the public API:

  • Simulations ID are available on the Simulations Table, at the left of the simulation name.
  • Runs ID are available on the Runs Table: Simulations > Runs history. To copy the id, click on the icon at the right of the run number.
  • You can retrieve a team ID by clicking on the ID column inside the teams table.
  • You have to provide the run ID as a query parameter to fetch other run metadata (injectors, remotes, hostnames, scenarios, groups, requests)
  • The from and to query parameters from the /series endpoint are the lower and upper timestamp bounds of the time window you want to query. You can fetch the total run time window from the /runs endpoint (injectStart, injectEnd).
  • The returned percentiles by the API are: min, p25, p50, p75, p80, p85, p90, p95, p99, p999, p9999 and max.

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